Sunday, July 26, 2009

CRAFT LAB FORMULA'S! Make your own Power Lab!

We had a great time at VBS last week!!

Our theme this year was "Power Lab" .... Discovering Jesus' Miraculous Power! We had so much fun learning about the Bible through amazing science experiments and games!!

I created this blog because I've received so many requests for the "secret formulas" and instructions for the cool hands-on experiments we've been doing this week in the CRAFT LAB. You are welcome to check this blog throughout the month of August, to get the recipes and instructions for these FUN experiments you can do at home with your family!

Hey -- maybe you could invite your neighborhood friends over for a POWER LAB day!! It would give you a great chance to share all the amazing Bible lessons you have learned this week at VBS. You've learned some great things at our Power Lab, so maybe God wants to use your voice to tell your friends about Jesus. If you ask Him, He can give you the words to say to help them to
Discover Jesus' Miraculous Power! :)

Kids, remember to ask Mom or Dad before you do any experiments, so they can help you to be safe, and to get you the supplies you need.

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