Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Today's thought:
Jesus gives us the power to be brave! Aha!
Story: Peter walks on water
Verse: I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me

Wow, what a mess we made in Craft Lab today! We made big bowls of Oooozy Green Slime!

Each table made a huge bowl of slime, using the directions below. We got really BRAVE (our thought for the day, Aha!) by putting our hands into a big bowl of something disgusting. And we found that just like Peter was changed after he made his brave move of walking out to Jesus on the water ... our gloppy, liquid-y, soupy mixture also changed into something wonderful when we got brave enough to put our hands in there, and mix it all together!

Here is the recipe, it's super easy and makes a big batch, so you can share it with your friends!! The only weird ingredient you will need to purchase is called "BORAX" which is an old-fashioned laundry detergent you can find at most grocery stores. Plus a new bottle of glue. But everything else you probably have on hand! Here ya go:

Ingredients and Directions for Ooozy Slime:
*One big plastic cup
*One big bowl
*1 new bottle of Elmer's glue, 8 oz. size
*1/2 cup water
Twist off the white cap of the glue and squeeze it into the big bowl. You will need to use EVERY drop of the glue, so keep squeezing and squeezing! Then pour the water into the bowl. Stir water and glue together with a big spoon, for a couple minutes or so, until the mixture looks like smooth pudding (no streaks or globs).

Then in the big plastic cup, mix these things together with a small spoon:
1/2 cup warm water
2 teaspoons of Borax
3-4 drops of food coloring (we used green but you can do any color!)
Mix these things really good, in the plastic cup. Keep stirring and stirring, until you're ready to dump it in.

One person will need to be stirring the glue mix like crazy, while the other person QUICKLY dumps the colored mix. Do not leave any powder in the cup, it all has to go into the bowl, and fast!

Keep stirring it like crazy for a minute or two, until most of the water has absorbed. Then everyone roll up your sleeves and put your hands in the goop. Yes it is disgusting, but be brave like Peter! Everyone mix for a while, then roll it into one big ball. Mash the ball around in the bowl until it is all mixed evenly, and looks like it's supposed to -- like slime. Portion it out into little baggies and you're all set.

Please be responsible with your Slime so your Mom doesn't get mad! Don't put it on fabric, and for heaven's sake do NOT leave it on the carpet.

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