Friday, July 24, 2009


Today's Thought:
Jesus gives us the power to help others! Aha!
Story: Jesus gives sight to the blind man
Verse: When God's people are in need, be ready to help them

In Craft Lab today, we talked about our eyesight. We sometimes take it for granted. God gave us our eyes to see all the wonderful things He created for us.

But think about this. God really didn't have to give us eyes that could see COLOR. He could have made everything black and white, like an old movie -- just different shades of black, white and gray. And our lives would still be good, we could still read, have families, enjoy our lives.

But since he loves us so much, He gave us eyes that can see COLOR! Then he put colorful things all throughout the earth: Bright green grass -- red roses -- purple grapes -- yellow lemons -- colorful butterflies -- just so we could use our awesome rainbow eyes to see them with!

Next time you see a rainbow, say a little prayer of thanks to God for giving you eyes that can see ALL His amazing colors!!!

The craft we did today was "Rainbow Circles". If you want to try this at home, get your mom and dad to help you, and please work in a well-ventilated area because of the alcohol.

*Plastic Cup
*Rubber Band
*Piece of cotton fabric (we used t-shirt fabric for some, and a cut-up twin sheet for others)
*Sharpie markers in primary colors
*Rubbing Alcohol in a small bottle that drips out

1) Stretch the fabric across the cup, and secure with the rubber band.
2) Make dots or streaks of color, in the middle of the circle, with the Sharpie markers.
3) Drop 12-15 drops of alcohol, DIRECTLY INTO THE CENTER of the design. This will make the colors begin to spread out toward the edges. Totally cool!
4) You can make more rainbow-circles on your fabric, if you have more cups and rubber bands!

The alcohol only takes a few minutes to dry out. If you want to permanently set the colors, I suggest dipping the finished fabric into a bowl of white vinegar and water. Then hand-wash it in the future, in a big bowl of soapy water, instead of the washing machine.

Thank you Lord for eyes that can see all your beautiful, amazing colors!!

If you have a few minutes today, watch this video and then THANK GOD for giving you eyes to see colors. CLICK HERE FOR "COLORS" VIDEO!

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