Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Today's Thought:
Jesus gives us the power to live forever! Aha!
Story: Jesus dies and comes back to life
Verse: Since I live, you also will live.

Hmmm... this might have been the favorite craft of this week??? We used test tubes for this craft, but they are expensive and hard to find. I am giving you directions for using a regular 14-oz. bottle of drinking water. What a fun gift to make for a friend, and you can recycle a few water bottles!

*Water Bottle, 14 oz. size
*Vegetable cooking oil (We used wesson oil, because it's clear, not yellow-y)
*Red food coloring
*Alka Seltzer Tablets. Break up each round tablet into 4 or 6 little pieces.

1) Pour some oil into the water bottle until it's about HALF-full.
2) Fill the rest of the bottle with water, but leave about 1/2 inch of air-space at the top.
3) Drop in 4 drops of the red food coloring, which looks like drops of Jesus' blood. It is cool how the precious drops of "blood" go down slowly into the water, changing the water to red.
4) Now drop in 2 of the broken up bits of Alka seltzer tablets. Watch how the red part comes alive and bubbles up!

This bubbling action is like the Holy Spirit, who gives us LIFE more abundantly through Christ!

When we spend time talking to God each day, that LIFE will bubble up inside of us too ... giving us love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

Thank you Lord for the Holy Spirit!!


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